Update Log Index

  • Last update:January 22, 2025
  • 2025



    Added the quick dataset replacement function for you to avoid repetitive template design and reduce template maintenance costs.

    Allowed you to press Ctrl and scroll the wheel to zoom the canvas with the selected position as the center.

    Added various built-in styles to FVS and Theme Color to the color palette for synchronizing the component color with the color configured in the template style.

    Added a search bar for you to search for model objects in the list and the Combine function for you to combine multiple models selected.

    Added Model Animation on the root node configuration panel of FVS templates for you to quickly view/preview model animations.

    Added the Restore button on the viewing angle parameter panel of FVS 3D components. You can click this button to restore the viewing angle to its initial position during scene creation. You can also press Shift and C to restore the viewing angle.

    Added the Lineage View function in the App Sharing plugin of V1.4 and later versions for you to quickly understand the composition of template contents and trace data sources.

    Optimized the component selection logic and locking function and supported separate component display on the FVS canvas.

    Allowed component styles and theme styles to be no longer distinguished during FVS theme style management and optimized the application scope.

    Allowed the model added to the FVS model list and the model you click on the canvas to be automatically located and pinned to the top in the list.

    Changed the default maximum display level for FVS 3D component model data preprocessing to 0.

    Supported Insert Dynamic Value for FVS link-type components and URL/Pop-up Box interaction events and allowed you to insert formulas or dataset fields.

    Always displayed both the buttons to close the dialog box added by hyperlink in the FVS table component and to close Centered Display configured under Interaction Event > URL/Pop-up Box

    Comprehensively optimized the resource center and page in App Sharing of V1.4 and later versions.


    Optimized the error prompt. If the system's available memory is insufficient, the calculation will be terminated and the error message "The extremely high system memory pressure triggers the global memory control to block this preview. Try again later." will be displayed for the template.

    Changed the maximum number of blocked threads that trigger session closure from 5 to 3. After threads are terminated, the message "The extremely high system memory pressure triggers the system anti-downtime protection. The current template calculation has been suspended. Try again later." will be displayed on the frontend.

    Mobile Terminal

    Allowed you to use the component navigation function on mobile terminals for quick template content positioning.

    Allowed you to configure floating toolbars on HTML5 terminals.

    Released on 2025-01-21. For details, see 11.0.32 Update Log.




    Adapted the frontend render mode in the cell progress bar of the table to mobile terminals. This can be used only during preview on HTML5 terminals.


    Added the parameter SecurityConfigdisableJNDI to the FINE_CONF_ENTITY Visualization Configuration plugin to determine whether to disable JNDI data connections.

    Added the system parameter $fine_role_id. This parameter is used to get the ID of the role logging in to the system to prevent permission configuration from being invalid due to role renaming.

    Released on 2024-12-03. For details, see 11.0.31 Update Log.



    Added a tool to convert FRM dashboards into visual dashboards.

    Added the mouse hover control API in FVS for you to determine whether to pause the playback in a component when you hover your mouse over the component.

    Added Recently Used in the FVS resource center for you to quickly access previously-used resources from a large number of online sources.

    Added Title Content in Tab Page of FVS to support name duplication.

    Allowed you to use formulas for Label Name of parameter widgets and hyperlink names.

    Optimized FVS pages, including visual dashboard pages and interaction event pages.

    Disabled Auto Carousel by default for FVS tab components.

    Allowed you to set Filling Method to Adapt or Stretch for the surveillance video.

    Allowed you to define animation settings uniformly and added Playback Command for you to select Start Playback, Pause Playback, and Exit Playback.


    Allowed hyperlinks in cells of report blocks and chart components invoked by data dashboards/web components in Data Portal to be triggered.

    Added the illegal session alarm table fine_record_security to LogDB for monitoring illegal sessions.

    Allowed Template Limit under Intelligent O&M > Load Management to be not subject to the fact that whether the O&M Platform function point is purchased or not.

    Mobile Terminal

    Upgraded the re-layout effect to the flow layout effect for FVS mobile terminals, allowing you to freely adjust and move mobile components (what you see is what you get).

    Added the Enable Pinch-to-Zoom configuration item for FVS mobile table components.

    Released on 2024-11-01. For details, see 11.0.30 Update Log.



    Allowed you to scale the timeline for the selected position when you preview a Gantt chart.


    Kept the names of function points in Registration Management consistent with those in the FanRuan quotation.

    Adjusted the receiver selection logic of data alert to allow only users who have permissions to receive the notifications.

    Mobile Terminal

    Allowed the pop-up in an iframe nested with FVS templates to be displayed on the outermost layer.

    Released on 2024/08/12. For details, see 11.0.29 Update Log.



    Added the dynamic value function for title components/rich text components in FVS, allowing you to bind dataset fields.

    Added the Expansion Component function to FVS, You can combine the Expansion Component function with the Dynamic function to dynamically generate a series of indicator cards based on the dataset fields.

    Added the image and video loading effects for FVS templates and added the Component Loading effect.

    Added the Enable Only Data Refresh setting item to FVS. Through this function, only data is refreshed (with real-time interaction retained) during 3D component refresh.

    Added More Settings (including Saturation, Brightness, and Contrast) for resources such as FVS images and videos.

    Added the performance mode to FVS. After the template performance mode is enabled, the homepage loading speed will be improved when you preview a multi-page template.

    Separated the bound parameters and component names (which currently need to be set separately) for FVS widgets.

    Allowed the system to refresh only the components (rather than the entire template) associated with the dynamic parameter in the hyperlink used by a component in an FVS table.

    Upgraded the FVS resource center to optimize the resource reuse path and enrich the resource content.


    Allowed you to update the key file (of a system that uses the default algorithm) with just one click to ensure the long-term system security and data confidentiality.

    Mobile Terminal

    Allowed mobile FVS query panels to be always displayed at the top.

     Released on 2024/07/25. For details, see 11.0.28 Update Log.



    Replaced Template Theme with FVS Template Style Management, which allows you to predefine the overall template style.

    Added Calculation Setting for FVS templates to avoid redundant data calculation and improve the template loading speed.

    Optimized the pop-up box style, added Text Prompt to Content Event, and supported mobile style settings for FVS.


    Added Clear All to allow you to clear all platform messages with just one click.

    Supported FVS template decryption.

    Supported automatic restoration to original user configuration when you have deleted users through synchronization and want to restore these users through synchronization again.

    Mobile Terminal

    Added Email Address Match as the value of User Match Way for integrated WeChat.

    Added mobile-specific APIs adaptable to FVS.

    Allowed you to disable mobile animation switchover for FVS tab components.

    Optimized the mobile interaction style for FVS charts so that the mobile interaction style can take effect with the setting items.

    Released on 2024/07/19. For details, see 11.0.27 Update Log.



    Added the Enable Fog option for FVS 3D city scenes.

    Added the getAllPages interface in FVS for you to get all pages.

    Allowed you to hover your cursor over a graphic button in the FVS radio button group widget and click the deletion button in the upper right corner to delete the graphic button.

    Allowed the dataset name in the component to be automatically modified (without the need to rebind) after the FVS dataset name is modified.

    Designed and optimized FVS frontend and backend error prompts in a unified way.

    No longer limited the number of FVS surveillance video components (for which the RTSP or RTMP protocol is used) on the page.

    Mobile Terminal

    Supported the favoriting function by FVS on mobile terminals.

    Allowed you to enter data through pop-ups in CPT templates on mobile terminals.

    Optimized the preview effect after the HTML5 data portal is embedded into the app encapsulation.

    Released on 2024/04/25. For details, see 11.0.26 Update Log.



    Added Widget Background and Icon Color for the Widget Display Enhancement plugin.

    Optimized Text Style and Border Line Style for the Widget Display Enhancement plugin.

    Optimized components, template styles, error reporting, popup windows, and loading on the report frontend in terms of visualization.

    Optimized the designer performance in common scenarios.

    Upgraded the built-in Tomcat of the designer from 8.0 to 9.0.


    Supported task schedule and export by FVS.

    Optimized task schedule result links.

    Mobile Terminal

    Added Inline Button, Capsule Button, and Graphic Button for radio button group/checkbox group widgets.

    Hid the bottom toolbar on the mobile data portal during preview.

    Released on 2024/03/14. For details, see 11.0.25 Update Log.



    Allowed you to configure Opening Method in Quick Entry of Data Portal.

    Embedded the Widget Display Enhancement plugin into the designer and added font configuration.

    Supported hot loading by HTTPS certificates for remote design.

    Optimized the designer startup performance.


    Added Operation Log for Data Alert.

    Added Driver Loading Order as a configuration item in Driver Management.

    Mobile Terminal

    Allowed you to enter recordation information in OEM apps.

    Released on 2024/01/05. For details, see 11.0.24 Update Log.




    Optimized the dynamic receiver function for Data Alert.

    Optimized the performance for the Save/Save As function in the designer.


    Added the Fetchsize configuration option for data connection.

    Mobile Terminal

    Optimized the quick entry adaptation for Data Portal.

    Released on 2023/12/11. For details, see 11.0.23 Update Log.



    Supported alert status customization by Data Alert.

    Supported fuzzy font search by FVS components.

    Added the PC — mobile terminal switchover button on FVS.

    Supported hiding/display by FVS pagination.

    Supported full-screen canvas by the FVS designer.

    Enhanced model operation capabilities in 3D scenes.

    Supported app terminals by partial widgets of the Widget Display Enhancement plugin.

    Optimized the Cell Progress Bar plugin.

    Optimized the interaction of FVS dashboard creation.

    Updated map file resources.


    Supported PC terminals by App Encapsulation.

    Released on 2023/11/24. For details, see 11.0.22 Update Log.



    Added the page navigation icon for quick page switchover during FVS template preview.

    Added the 3D Background option to the FVS page background, which allows multiple pages to share the same 3D component.

    Added the Component Refresh function to FVS, which can achieve real-time push refresh based on data changes.

    Allowed you to customize the page background color during loading based on the theme color of the FVS template.

    Added export interfaces exportReportToExcel and exportTemplate to FVS.

    Added mobile-related functions for text-related widgets, including Allow One-Click Clearance, Show Word Count, and Allow Password Display.

    Supported New Multi-select Drop-down Tree Widget in the Widget Display Enhancement plugin to unify template styles.

    Supported selection of all by the FVS Dropdown Checkbox/Checkbox Group widgets.

    Optimized the tab bar style for the Carousel component, enriching template styles.

    Renamed Custom Model to 3D Custom Scene for FVS and changed data layer structure, facilitating independent setting.

    Merged popup box and web link events into the URL/Popup Box event.

    Added three parameters through the global interface showDialog to FVS templates.


    Optimized display information in Registration Management by merging the version number and JAR package information for display, and displaying project concurrency details in a details table.

    Supported the mobile terminal by Data Portal.

    Supported multi-domain synchronization and LDAPS based on the original Multiple LDAP Users Synchronization plugin.

    Released on 2023/09/27. For details, see 11.0.21 Update Log.



    Embedded the Font Management plugin, allowing you to manually add fonts required for template preview and export and enable alternate fonts.

    Embedded data alert functions to products (rather than being provided as a plugin) to provide better product experience.

    Allowed other versions of the plugin to be automatically cleared during plugin synchronization from the server to the designer, preventing multiple versions of the plugin from coexisting.


    Adopted the blacklist logic to relax username and name input verification for user adding, restricting only specified risky content.

    Added the strong reminder function in 11.0.20 and later versions, prompting you to re-register upon local container authentication failure after project restart.

    Mobile Terminal

    Added the App Encapsulation plugin, allowing you to use templates to build simple business apps and organize them through a navigation structure.

    Added the New Multi-Select Dropdown Tree Widget plugin adapted to the mobile terminal.

    Optimized the preview and export effects of WEBIMAGE-returned images on the mobile terminal to remain these effects consistent with the selected value of Image Layout.

    Released on 2023/09/08. For details, see 11.0.20 Update Log.



    Added StarRocks for data connection to meet users' database requirements.

    Optimized the Data Alert plugin to allow you to filter out dynamic time data (such as the current day, last week, last month, and same period last year) through date formulas, and perform alert based on the data during alert detection.

    Optimized the Data Alert plugin to adapt to the FVS Dashboard Edit Mode plugin, allowing you to create alert tasks for dashboard reports.

    Added the new template version management mode, supported cluster environments, and added batch management, automatic saving, automatic cleanup, and recycle bin functions to provide better template version control and management capabilities.

    Optimized version management, allowing you smoothly update and migrate historical version data from old template version management to new template version management.

    Optimized the encryption storage mechanism of common parameter combinations from encrypting parameters of all types of widgets to encrypting only parameters of password widgets, ensuring user information security and improving parameter loading performance.

    Optimized FVS to adapt to the mobile terminal, facilitating users to preview templates on the mobile terminal, view reports anytime and anywhere, and grasp data changes in real time.

    Optimized FVS to support dropdown tree/view tree widgets.

    Optimized user experience and display effects, allowing you to hold down the shift key and frame content using the mouse to zoom in on it on the PC preview page of FVS templates.

    Optimized FVS to support the zoom icon, enabling full-screen table display for better data viewing and information transmission effects.

    Optimized the report production efficiency, allowing you to batch upload files to FVS image components and local video components.

    Added an interface for communication between FVS pages and pages in web frame components.

    Optimized FVS to support server global watermark settings, which can be used for risk reminding and data traceability to enhance enterprise data security.

    Optimized FVS monitoring video components to support RTSP/RTMP protocol-compliant video streams, and added the setting of determining whether to display the video toolbar, providing a more flexible video access method.

    Added the Smooth Render mode to FVS 3D city components and custom model components, which can reduce the scene rendering effects of 3D components in edit mode and improve edit performance in 3D scenes.


    Added URL configuration items for you to forbid the use of semicolons in URLs, preventing security issues such as permission bypass, URL obfuscation, and deception for higher system security.

    Optimized the Data Portal plugin to adapt to the FVS Dashboard Edit Mode plugin, allowing you to introduce chart and table components in dashboard reports for more flexible portal building.

    Added log management record scenarios, such as clearing all users and creating desensitization rules, to meet users' requirements on security traceability and risk management.

    Mobile Terminal

    Optimized widget validation prompts (custom error prompts supported) in the HTML5 mobile display plugin, helping you quickly locate error widgets and improve data filling efficiency.

    Released on 2023/08/08. For details, see 11.0.19 Update Log.



    Added the FVS file association option in the designer installation page. After creating FVS file associations, all files with the .fvs suffix will be opened by default in FineReport designer to improve efficiency and user experience.

    Optimized the Data Alert function, built into FineReport instead of being provided as a plugin, thus offering better user experience.

    Added the Export Print Detection function in the Template Assistant plugin, which detects factors affecting exporting and printing effects and provides detection reports and troubleshooting links to improve troubleshooting efficiency.

    Added SAPBW BICS data connection and SAPBW BICS dataset to improve the quantity and efficiency of data extraction, thus optimizing the data extraction performance of SAPBW database.

    Optimized FVS to allow opening multiple FVS templates simultaneously in the designer and switching between FVS templates and non-FVS templates as needed.

    Optimized FVS to support cross-template page copying and pasting to improve template creation efficiency.

    Optimized API to make charts in FVS component compatible with multiple APIs to achieve more custom interactive effects.

    Added interfaces for controlling model track movement to FVS, which allows setting effects for models such as moving along a certain track, turning, and zooming in or out.

    Added parameters to the interface for model quick focus in FVS, which allows changing the distance, central point, and angle of the perspective while focusing.

    Released on 2023/06/09. For details, see 11.0.17 Update Log.



    Added the Widget Display Enhancement plugin, supporting Follow Theme of widget styles. It also allows customizing styles of widgets and parameter pane to meet the need for customization.

    Added notes before SQL statements in Log to help quickly locate SQL statements and troubleshoot database performance problems.

    Optimized the Data Alert plugin to allow binding template content with users, departments, or roles and generating Dynamic Receiver to send alerts about abnormal data to dynamic receivers.


    Added the User Input Verification function to verify users' input in a certain situation, which prevents the platform from saving illegal characters and filters malicious code to improve safety.

    Optimized the Report Inspection function, which can be disabled (in one click) when you preview templates to improve preview experience. After disabling, it will disappear.

    Optimized platform styles to improve visual effects and user experience.

    Mobile Terminal

    Added the UID option in NFC Input, allowing reading the UID that cannot be copied or modified in NFC card to meet the need for security of input from NFC reading.

    Released on 2023/05/12. For details, see 11.0.16 Update Log.



    When customizing GIS layers, you can add parameters after the layer URL to customize the maximum zoom level, meeting special requirements.

    Data alert email content supported setting display mode as Result Link or Alert Object.

    Opened interface for data alert plugin, supporting notification to custom platform or application, improving the performance of data alert.

    The functions of Data Alert plugin were improved, with creation steps split, multiple trigger conditions added, and variable references in text content of receiving method supported.


    The System Operations component in Data Portal could directly retrieve data based on logs and was no longer controlled by the permission of intelligent operations.

    Removed the User Behavior Analysis in the Last 30 Days and Template Access Details in the Last 30 Days components from System Operations.

    Optimized: To facilitate communication, the authorization migration plugin supports generating and destroying credential files.

    The downtime handling function was improved to be compatible to FineBI. Process auto recovery was separated from Auto restart when the machine is down and could be configured to take effect at a specific time.

    The default transmission cryptographic algorithm type was changed from symmetric encryption to asymmetric encryption, and parameters were provided to switch the default transmission cryptographic algorithm type.

    Released on 2023/04/07. For details, see 11.0.15 Update Log.



    Added the Data Desensitization function to desensitize information such as name, ID number, phone number, account, address, etc.

    Added the New File Dataset plugin, supporting uploading multi-sheet and CSV files through file dataset.

    Improved the protective effect of the Preview Only function for export attributes. For exported files, copying cells was not supported.

    Improved password setting function for exported template files. When setting file and worksheet passwords, formulas were supported.

    Data alert supported setting assignee and resolution time to ensure problem tracking loop and timely resolution of issues.

    Upgrade check tool supported checking partial information of the server, reducing user operation manpower and lowering the risk of upgrade failure.


    In Intelligent Operations > Platform Log > User Behavior, the Login Logout list was added, supporting filtering for queries.

    Optimized the scope of Login Logout records, including: default login, cross-domain login, remote design connection, third-party login, and mobile login.

    The permission management of Platform Log was separated from Intelligent Operations to improve security level.

    Released on 2023/02/21. For details, see 11.0.13 Update Log.



    In Repeat and Freeze, freezing the end region was added to meet your formatting needs for templates.

    During upgrade check, automatic backup status check was added to check whether the configured backup file exists within 24 hours.


    In the data dashboard component of the data portal, the System Operations component was added to help admins view system usage.

    When the data portal dashboard is mounted on the homepage, it supported switching to view multiple homepages in tab form by adding the parameter multihomepages to the URL.

    Released on 2023/01/05. For details, see 11.0.12 Update Log.




    V8Painter plugin functions were merged into the main product. If your server has installed the V8Painter plugin, the original plugin will be automatically disabled after upgrading without affecting the normal use of the function.


    In the drop-down list of the Date widget, dates not in the current month were grayed out but could be selected.

    Optimized the matching logic of the fuzzy search content for dropdown-type widgets. When performing a fuzzy search, it will match the display value and actual value set in Data Dictionary.


    Web components were added to the data portal, supporting importing web pages and other templates from the server, making it convenient for you to call other web resources in the data portal dashboard.

    The Quick Entry component of the data portal supported setting description information to facilitate your understanding of the purpose of the entry.

    The Quick Entry component of the data portal supported customizing whether to display the entry cover and its position to conform to the overall style of the portal dashboard.

    The Quick Entry component of the data portal supported customizing the number of entries displayed per row to meet your layout design needs for dashboards.

    The Data Dashboard component of the data portal was no longer default to viewing global data, supporting viewing the filtered results of the parameter default values set when editing the template.

    Supported entering formula in the announcement, component title, and text component content in Data Portal.

    Added the Network Check function. When encountering performance problems, you can check for network issues with one click.

    Admins were supported to customize the global Keep Login switch, meeting the requirements for system security.

    Mobile Terminal

    Supported calling some functions of the return false interface when previewing templates on mobile devices.

    Released on 2022/12/07. For details, see 11.0.11 Update Log.


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