Hiding Rows or Columns

  • Last update:March 12, 2025
  • Overview


    Report Server VersionFunctional Change
    11.0 /

    Function Description

    Certain cells are only used for intermediate calculations and do not need to be displayed. In this case, you may want to hide the values of these cells, a whole row, or a whole column.

    Hiding Rows or Columns by Direct Setting

    Right-click the label of the row or column you want to hide, select Row Height or Column Width from the pop-up menu, and set Row Height or Column Width to 0. Additionally, you can right-click the row or column label and select Hide directly.

    Hiding Rows or Columns by Setting Row Height or Column Width to Zero Through the Condition Attribute

    In some cases, you may need to display rows or columns when certain conditions are met. Otherwise, you can hide these rows or columns by setting the row height or column width in Condition Attribute.

    Right-click the cell, select Condition Attribute, click + to add a condition, and click + in Attribute to select the attribute to be changed. Select Column Width (which is set to 0 by default) from the drop-down list.

    If the column width of the cell is set to 0 when the current value of the cell is 0 or the cell is left empty, add the formula condition len($$$)=0 or $$$=0. The following figure shows the setting of the condition attribute.


    For details, see Cell Hiding by the Condition Attribute.


    To display the hidden row or column, you must select both the previous and the next rows or columns at the same time, right-click the rows or columns, and select Unhide. Additionally, you can hover the cursor between the two rows or columns next to the hidden row or column. When the cursor has two vertical lines, you can drag the hidden row or column out directly, as shown in the following figure.


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