StarRocks Data Connection

  • Last update: September 05, 2024
  • Overview 


    FineDataLink VersionFunctional Change

    Scheduled Task supported the reading from and writing into the StarRocks database. 

    Pipeline Task supported the writing of data into the StarRocks database.

    4.1.2Data Service supported the StarRocks database.

    FineDataLink supports connection to the StarRocks database.

    Restriction on Use 

    For details about the usage instructions, see StarRocks Instruction.


    Version and Driver 

    Supported Database VersionDriver Package

    1.19 and above

    StarRocks of versions higher than 2.3 is required to use Data Pipeline.

    (Built-in) No need to download.

    Connection Information Collection 

    Collect the following information before connecting FineDataLink to the database.

    • IP address and port number of the database server   

    • Database name

    • Username and password of the database


    1. Ensure that FineDataLink can access the frontend node (FE) and the backend node (BE) before establishing a data connection.

    2. Ensure that the FE can access the BE to write the data into a StarRocks database. 

    In the process of loading data into StarRocks using FineDataLink, local text files or program files are imported using the HTTP-based Stream Load method to the FE, which then uses an HTTP redirect to forward the load request to a BE. 

    Alternatively, FineDataLink can submit the import command to a specified BE. The final result of importing is returned by the BE coordinator. This method is suitable for importing 1 GB to 10 GB of data.


    1. Log in to FineDataLink, choose System Management > Data Connection Data Connection Management, click New Data Connection, and click the StarRocks icon, as shown in the following figure.

    If you are not the admin, you can configure data connections only after the admin assigns you permission on Data Connection under Permission Management > System Management. For details, see Data Connection Management Permission

    2. Fill in the connection information, as shown in the following figure.

    Configure the FE to write data into the StarRocks database. The configuration is described as follows.

    Configuration ItemPromptDescription
    Frontend Node AddressFill in the IP address or hostname and the port number, with multiple addresses separated by commas (,).

    The FE address is the connection target of Stream Load.

    • The format is IP addressPort number. You can use the following command to query the FE-related port.

    • For example, 192. 168. 101. 71: 8030, 9030. You can enter multiple FE addresses, where the FE uses a polling mechanism to decide which BE will serve as a coordinator to receive and process the load requests.

    • The default port number of the FE is 8030. (Must configure it to write data into a StarRocks database.) The default port number of JDBC is 9030. (Configure it as needed.)

    3. Click Test Connection. If the connection is successful, click Save to save the configuration.

    Data Source Usage 

    After configuring the data source, you can use it in Data Development. For details, see Overview of Data Development.

    After configuring the data source, you can use it in Data Pipeline. For details, see Overview of Data Pipeline

    After configuring the data source, you can use it in Data Service. For details, see Overview of Data Service

    The following is an example of using StarRocks in the Data Synchronization node to develop the data.


    主题: Data Source Configuration
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