Enterprises that store business data in Transwarp Inceptor databases want to read/write data from/into Transwarp Inceptor databases using scheduled tasks via FineDataLink.
Download the driver package and upload it to FineDataLink. For the specific steps of uploading the driver package, see Driver Management.
Collect the following information before connecting FineDataLink to the database.
IP address and port number of the database server
Database name
Username and password of the database
1. Log in to FineDataLink, choose System Management > Data Connection > Data Connection Management, click New Data Connection, and click the TRANSWARP INCEPTOR icon, as shown in the following figure.
2. Click Custom, select the driver uploaded in the section "Version and Driver," and enter the connection information collected in the section "Connection Information Collection."
Transwarp Inceptor databases support Kerberos authentication. For details, see Kerberos Authentication in Data Connection. Before connecting:
Check if the IP address corresponding to the machine name in the hosts file (/etc/hosts) is a LAN address.
Check if the machine name in the hostname file (/etc/hostname) is consistent with the one in the hosts file (/etc/hosts).
Check if the IP address and machine name configured in the hosts file of the machine where FineDataLink is located are correct.
Configure the hosts file (/etc/hosts) for establishing a local connection. Add the remote mapping information, including the IP address and the machine name. For example, centos-phoenix.
4. Configure the HDFS address if you need to write data into a Transwarp Inceptor database. The configuration details are as follows.
Fill in the node address where the HDFS is active, in the format of hdfs://IP address:Port number.
For example, hdfs://
For details, see Confirming IP Address and Port Number in HDFS URL.
5. Click Test Connection. If the connection is successful, click Save to save the configuration.
The data source can be used for data reading and writing in Data Synchronization and Data Transformation nodes.
FineDataLink 4.1.3 and later versions support data writing into partition tables that are created during task configuration when a Transwarp Inceptor database is used as the target database. For details, see Partition Table Creation and Data Reading/Writing.
For details about Transwarp Inceptor databases, see Transwarp Inceptor Instruction.
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