Page Setting

  • Last update:February 27, 2025
  • Overview


    Report Server VersionFunctional Change
    11.0 /

    Function Description

    Choose Template > Page Setting on the menu bar. In the Page Setting dialog pop-up box, you can configure the page setting for the current sheet. You can configure the page setting for each sheet within a report separately.

    The margin setting does not take effect for Data Entry Preview. You can add blank cells to set margins for Data Entry Preview.



    Orientation, referring to the paper orientation, is usually used in printing. The following figure shows the preview effects of A4 paper in vertical and horizontal orientations.

    Paper Size

    You can select from predefined sizes for the paper size or customize the paper size. The unit can be set to millimeters or inches, with millimeters being the default.

    If a custom paper size matches a predefined size of paper (for example, customizing the paper size to 210*297 mm, which is the size of A4 paper). Predefine is selected with the corresponding predefined paper (A4[210*297 mm]) in Page Size when you open the Paper Setting dialog box next time. By default, the new report is created with the A4 paper size. You can set the paper size as needed. The dashed lines in the designer represent the boundaries (pagination lines) of the paper, as shown in the following figure.



    If you set Orientation to Vertical, the Total Sales indicator and other indicators are not displayed on the same page during the preview, as shown in the following figure.

    You can adjust the left and right margins. For example, you can display the Total Sales indicator and other indicators on the same page by setting the left and right margins to 1 mm. The following figure shows the effect.


    You can adjust the height of the header and footer. The effect is the same as the height setting in Header and Footer.


    Pagination Order

    You can set Pagination Order to Column Prior to Row or Row Prior to Column. The setting also takes effect for printing.

    Centering Method

    1. Horizontal

    Horizontal centering in Page Setting is effective for printing, ensuring the report content is centered horizontally on the paper, as shown in the following figure.


    1. Centering method in Page Setting: Horizontal and vertical centering in Page Setting only takes effect for Pagination Preview and are invalid in other preview modes. In other preview modes, including non-pagination preview (__bypagesize__), Data Analysis Preview (op=view), and Data Entry Preview (op=write), the report content also starts from the top-left corner.

    2. If you set Report Display Location to Center or Left in Pagination Preview Setting, and select Horizontal or Vertical for Centering Method in Page Setting at the same time, the centering method set in Page Setting will take effect while the report display location set in Pagination Preview will not take effect.

    2. Vertical

    Similar to horizontal centering, vertical centering in Page Setting is effective for printing, ensuring the report content is centered vertically on the paper.


    1. Centering method in Page Setting: Horizontal and vertical centering in Page Setting only takes effect for Pagination Preview and are invalid in other preview modes. In other preview modes, including non-pagination preview (__bypagesize__), Data Analysis Preview (op=view), and Data Entry Preview (op=write), the report content also starts from the top-left corner.

    2. If you set Report Display Location to Center or Left in Pagination Preview Setting, and select Horizontal or Vertical for Centering Method in Page Setting at the same time, the centering method set in Page Setting will take effect while the report display location set in Pagination Preview will not take effect.

    Starting Page Number

    This function is used to set the starting page number for reports with page numbers displayed. The default value and the minimum value are 1, as shown in the following figure.

    The formula in the figure is $$page_number +"/"+ $$totalPage_number, as shown in the following figure.

    If you set Starting Page Number to 2, the page number of the first page will be 2, as shown in the following figure.

    Auto Adjustment by Cell Content

    For all cells in a report, you can set whether the row height and column width of cells are adjusted automatically based on their content.

    Three adjustment modes are available, including No, Row Height, and Column Width.

    No: The current cell will be displayed in its actual size in the designer, both on the web and when printed or exported. The content in the cell will be truncated for display.

    Row Height: If the text of the current cells cannot be fully displayed in the designer, when the report is displayed on the web, exported, or printed, the column width will remain unchanged, and the row height will be automatically adjusted for the whole content display.

    Column Width: If the text of the current cells cannot be fully displayed in the designer, when the report is displayed on the web, exported, or printed, the row height will remain unchanged, and the column width will be automatically adjusted for the whole content display.

    Auto Adjustment by Cell Content in the Page Setting dialog box applies to all cells in a report and defaults to automatic adjustment based on row height.

    Mobile Terminal

    1. Orientation (not effective on the client side), Margin (not effective on the client side)

    2. Header and Footer (not supported)

    3. Print Order (not effective on the client side)

    4. Centering Method (not effective on the client side)

    5. Starting Page Number (not supported)

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