Watermark Setting

  • Last update:September 08, 2023
  • Overview


    Report Server Version

    HTML5 Mobile Display Plugin Version

    Functional Change






    FVS Dashboard Edit Mode plugin V1.17.0 supports the setting of server global watermark. For details, see section "FVS Dashboard".

    Application Scenarios

    Enterprises generate online data in bulk as they grow. Thus preventing data leakage becomes a focus of enterprise information security. Enterprises need to prevent external data breaches and intentional and unintentional data leakage by internal employees.

    Watermarking is an effective way to prevent data leakage. The reasons are as follows.

    1. When taking a screenshot or exporting related information, internal employees are reminded that this is confidential information prohibited from being leaked.

    2. After employees leak internal information, watermark can help enterprises trace the responsible person and the source of leakage.

    Function Description

    You can set watermarks for a single template/all templates in the system in FineReport.

    1. Admins can set watermarks for all templates under System Management > Security Management > Watermark Setting in the decision-making platform.

    2. Template creators can set watermarks for a single template under Template > Watermark in the designer.

    Global Watermark Setting

    Application Scope

    After the watermark setting is enabled, watermark is displayed on all templates in the report project.

    Watermark is displayed in the editing, previewing, and exporting pages of the template.

    Assigning Permissions

    Super admin can set watermarks in the decision-making platform by default. Ordinary users need to be assigned permissions by the super admin if they want to set watermarks.

    Log in to the decision-making platform as super admin, choose System Management > Permission Management > Global Setting, enable Hierarchical Authorization, and click Save.


    Log in to the decision-making platform as super admin, choose System Management > Permission Management > Common Permission Configuration, select the to be assigned target from Dept./Role/User List, select the System Management tab, and enable the Use permission of Security Management.


    Specific Setting

    Log in to the decision-making platform as authorized users, choose System Management > Security Management > Watermark Setting, and enable Watermark Setting.

    You can set the content and properties of the watermark in the configuration panel on the left, and the preview effect on the right will be adjusted in real time according to the settings. 


    The explanation of these settings is shown in the following table.



    Watermark Content

    Custom Formula


    1. Watermark content defaults to "Username + Current Time": =$fine_username + now().

    2. Strings need to be enclosed in double-quotes (") or single-quotes ('), such as "aaaa" and 'number'.

    3. If you input invalid content, it prompts Invalid Formula.

    4. The XML needs to be enclosed in <![CDATA[]]>.


    1. Company name + Username + Current time: =   "Company name" + $fine_username + now()

    2. Company name + Department + Username: =   "Company name" + $fine_position + $fine_username

    3. Username + IP address: =$fine_username + getIp()


    Username (not the name) of the logged-in user is displayed.


    IP address of the logged-in user's device is displayed.

    Current Time

    Current time is displayed.

    Watermark Color

    The color defaults to gray, which can be customized.

    Font Size

    The size defaults to 20, which can be customized.

    Watermark Gap

    1. The gap defaults to 200 (horizontally) and 100 (vertically), which   can be customized.

    2. The horizontal and vertical value can not be less than 100 and 50 respectively, both of which can not be negative.

    Single Template Watermark

    Application Scope

    After a watermark is set for a single template, the watermark takes effect in the following ranges:

    1. If the watermark setting has been enabled and a watermark is individually set for a template, the watermark individually set for the template is displayed first.

    2. Watermark is displayed in the editing, previewing, and exporting pages of the template.

    General Report

    Open the template that needs to be set a watermark in FineReport Designer, choose Template > Watermark, and select Individually set for the template.

    You can set the content and properties of the watermark in the configuration panel on the right, and the preview effect on the left will be adjusted in real time according to the settings.


    The explanation of these settings is shown in the following table.






    1. Input the watermark content in the formula editing box in which text and formulas are supported. 

    2. Only parameters are supported in formulas.

    3. Watermark content inherits custom formulas set by the server by default.

    4. Strings need to be enclosed in double-quotes (") or single-quotes ('), such as "aaaa" and 'number'.

    5. The XML needs to be enclosed in <![CDATA[]]>.


    1. Company name + Username + Current time: = "Company name" + $fine_username + now()

    2. Company name + Department + Username: = "Company name" + $fine_position + $fine_username

    3. Username + IP address: =$fine_username + getIp()

    Pagination preview, data entry preview, data analysis preview, PC preview, and mobile preview all display the watermark, but the display effects are different. For details, see section "Notes".

    Font size

    The size defaults to 20, which can be customized.

    Watermark Gap

    1. The gap defaults to 200 (horizontally) and 100 (vertically), which can be customized.

    2. The horizontal and vertical value can not be less than 100 and 50 respectively, both of which can not be negative.

    Text color

    The color defaults to gray, which can be customized.


    Select the body of a dashboard, click the icon behind Watermark in the attribute panel, and you can view the pop-up watermark setting dialog box.

    You can set the content and properties of the watermark in the configuration panel on the right, and the preview effect on the left will be adjusted in real time according to the settings.


    The explanation of these settings is shown in the following table.






    1. Input the watermark content in the formula editing box in which text and formulas are supported. 

    2. Only parameters are supported in formulas.

    3. Watermark content inherits custom formulas set by the server by default.

    4. Strings need to be enclosed in double-quotes (") or single-quotes ('), such as "aaaa" and 'number'.

    5. The XML needs to be enclosed in <![CDATA[]]>.


    1. Company name + Username + Current time: = "Company name" + $fine_username + now()

    2. Company name + department + username: = "Company name" + GETUSERDEPARTMENTS(1) + $fine_username

    GETUSERDEPARTMENTS(X) can obtain the Xth level department within the department position. For details, see Parameter Control for Fine-grained Permissions.

    3. Username + IP address: =$fine_username + getIp()

    Pagination preview, data entry preview, data analysis preview, PC preview, and mobile preview all display the watermark, but the display   effects are different. For details, see section "Notes".

    Font size

    The size defaults to 20, which can be customized.


    Watermark Gap

    1. The gap defaults to 200 (horizontally) and 100 (vertically), which can be customized.

    2. The horizontal and vertical value can not be less than 100 and 50 respectively, both of which can not be negative.


    Text color

    The color defaults to gray, which can be customized.


    FVS Dashboard

    Open a FVS dashboard, choose Template > FVS Watermark Setting, and you can decide whether to tick Apply Server Global Watermark. Ticking it means following the server global watermark settings.

    Unticking it means that no watermark is set for the current template, that is to say, custom watermark is not supported in a FVS dashboard.


    Effect Display

    On PC

    The preview effect on PC is shown in the following figure.

    If you do not log in to the decision-making platform and directly preview a single template in the browser window, the three parameters $fine_username, $fine_role, and $fine_position do not take effect.

    Mobile Terminal

    The preview effect on App and in HTML5 mode is shown in the following figure.


    1. If the watermark formula contains the three parameters $fine_username, $fine_role, and $fine_position, the watermark does not display when you access a single template in HTML5 mode. It only display when you log in to the platform in HTML5 mode.

    2. FVS dashboard watermarks do not display on mobile terminals.


    1. Watermark export:

    ·       General reports can be exported with watermarks in PDF format by default.

    ·       If you want to export general reports with watermarks in Word or Excel format, you need to set Template Export Attributes (supported in FineReport 11.0.9 and later versions). For details, see Template Export Attributes.

    ·       Dashboards in old adaptive version can be exported with watermarks in PDF format by installing the Export Dashboard Plugin. Word and Excel formats are not supported.

    ·       Dashboards in new adaptive version can not be exported with watermarks.

    ·       The result report of a scheduled task can be exported with watermarks.

    2. In browser IE11 and earlier versions, the watermark display effect is basically the same as that in browsers of later versions. Watermarks may block clicks due to browser compatibility. Just change the browser.

    3. In pagination preview, watermark is displayed according to the size of the paper, while in data entry preview, data analysis preview, and PC preview, watermark is displayed on the entire web page of the report.

    4. Local printing is not supported.

    5. Watermark transparency can not be adjusted.

    6. Watermark font:

    ·       Microsoft YaHei, SimHei, and Simsun are supported in Windows.

    ·       PingFangSC, Hiragino Sans GB, Arial, and Verdana are supported in other systems. Chinese watermarks are displayed only when PingFangSC is used.

    ·       The font is prioritized from left to right.


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