Web Attributes

  • Last update:December 14, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) Template – Web attributes mean a report displays relevant settings in preview of a Web page

    2) Settings under Web attributes include basic settings, printer settings, browser background settings, reference CSS or JS settings and display and toolbar settings in different preview modes

    II. General settings

    1. Click [Template] – [Web Attributes]


    2. Basic – Title

    1) The title displayed in the browser in preview of a report.

    2) By default, you do not need to set a title, which is displayed as the file name of a report.



    3. Basic – Report Cache Effective Time

    1) A report can be stored in the cache after it is opened for the first time, so that it can be directly called from the cache the next time, improving the speed of opening the report.

    2) The default Report Cache Effective Time is 0 milliseconds, i.e., not stored in the cache.


    4. Printer (Server) settings

    1) You may add printers that can be searched in the server to solve the problem that printing is disabled as no printer is connected to the local PC.

    2) Click E.png to modify the selected printer.

    3) Click a.png or b.png  to adjust the order in which printers are displayed.

    4) Click C.png to remove the selected printer.

    5) Server printer cannot be set unless there is a printer interface. 


    5. Browser background

    1) The default value is no background.

    2) Background can be set as a color, texture, pattern, gradient color or image.

    3) For specific settings, please refer to Report Background.


    6. Reference CSS

    1) In making a template, you may reference a custom CSS style file.

    2) Only the CSS files under the current project's webroot in the designer can be referenced.

    3) Select the file to be modified, reselect a CSS file and then click Modify to complete modification.

    4) Click Move Up or Move down to adjust the order in which CSS files are called.

    5) Select the file to be removed and click Remove to remove the file.

    Note: Mobile terminals do not support referencing CSS files.


    7. Reference JavaScript

    1) In making a template, you may reference a custom JS file.

    2) The JS file can be either one under the current project's webroot or an external one in the absolute path form.

    3) For an external JS file, its connection can be tested to ensure that the file can be called.

    4) Select the file to be modified, reselect a CSS file and then click Modify to complete modification.

    5) Click Move Up or Move down to adjust the order in which CSS files are called.

    6) Select the file to be removed and click Remove to remove the file.


    III. Pagination Preview settings

    1. Enable settings

    1) Server settings are by default used, in which case all options below are grey and cannot be edited.

    2) Select Individually set for the template, which applies only to the current template and enables all functions below to be edited and set.


    2. Report Display Location

    1) The default value is Left.

    2) If you wish to center-align the content of a report, you may check Center.




    3. Page

    1) Display As Image: a report in the image form will be generated in pagination preview.

    2) Auto scale when iframe is embedded: if the current page is embedded into another Web page via iframe, the page will be automatically adapted to the size of iframe.

    3) Heavy TD: the row height and column width of a cell will not be expanded by the content.


    4. Use Toolbar

    1) Use Toolbar is by default checked; if it is unchecked, no toolbar will be displayed in pagination preview.

    2) Toolbars includes top toolbar and bottom toolbar, which are different merely in where they are displayed.

    3) If Use Toolbar is checked, the top toolbar displays, by default, First, Previous, Current/Total, Next, Last, Print, Export and Email.




    5. Toolbar – add a tool

    1) Select an icon to be added.

    2) Click a.png to add the tool to the top toolbar.

    3) Click b.png to add the tool to the bottom toolbar.



    6. Toolbar – setting pane

    1) To modify the top toolbar settings, click F.png after Top Toolbar; to modify the bottom toolbar settings, click F.png  after Bottom Toolbar.

    2) The toolbar setting pane pops up.


    7. Toolbar – sort

    1) In the toolbar setting pane, select the button to be sorted.

    2) Click a.png or b.png to adjust the order in which these buttons are displayed.


    8. Toolbar – remove a button

    1) In the toolbar setting pane, select a tool to be removed.

    2) Click C.png to remove the tool.


    9. Toolbar – set background

    1) Default Background is by default checked, which is light grey.

    2) To modify background, click the Set Background button.

    3) For specific background setting, please refer to Report Background.


    10. Toolbar – button display

    1) Select a button.

    2) The right-hand pane displays button attributes. Display Icon of the Button and Display Name of the Button are by default checked, and you may check either of them.


    11. Toolbar – button alias

    1) Select a button.

    2) In the right-hand pane, the button alias is by default an international formula, which varies from language to language.

    3) You may enter what you like as the alias.


    12. Toolbar – button icon

    1) Select a button.

    2) In the right-hand pane, you may edit or delete the button icon.

    3) ClickEditto display the icon setting pane, which offers many optional icons.

    4) ClickAddto add a custom button icon, input a name and select an image file as the icon.

    5) ClickEditto re-edit the name and image of the custom icon.

    6) ClickDeleteto delete the current icon.

    7) Only newly added icons, rather than default icons in the designer, can be edited or deleted.


    13. Toolbar – button function setting

    1) If a button has multiple functions, then after the button is selected, the right-hand pane will display the optional functions of the button, click to check a function.


    14. Toolbar – clear buttons

    1) Click D.png to clear the buttons that have been set in the toolbar.


    15. Toolbar – Back to Default

    1) ClickBack to Defaultto restore initial settings of the top toolbar and the bottom toolbar.

    2) By default, the bottom toolbar contains no buttons while the top toolbar displays First, Previous, Current/Total, Next, Last, Print, Export and Email.


    16. Event Settings – add an event

    1) Click E.pngto add an event. There are 18 types of events in pagination preview.

    2) Select an event to display the event setting pane.

    Time of being triggeredEvent name

      Start Loading

    Triggered immediately after a report page is opened or if there is a parameter pane, when clicking Query


      Loading End

    Triggered after a report page is completely loaded


      Before Exporting PDF

    Triggered when clicking Export >pdf


      After Exporting PDF

    Triggered after a PDF file is exported


      Before/After Exporting Others

    Triggered after clicking the corresponding file to be exported/exporting the corresponding file

      Before PDF Printing

    Triggered when clicking the PDF Print button


      After PDF Printing

    Triggered after print setup is completed


      Before/After Others Printing

    Triggered when clicking the corresponding Print button/after print setup is completed


    17. Event Settings – event type

    1) The default event type is JavaScript, and other options include Commit to Database, Custom Submit, Send Email and File Upload.

    2) For details on how to use different types of events, please refer to Instances.


    18. Event Settings – edit an event

    1) Select an event to be edited.

    2) Click 1605506340741486.png to display the event setting pane and modify event settings.


    19. Event Settings – delete an event

    1) Select an event to be deleted.

    2) Click C.png to delete the event.


    IV. Data Entry Settings

    1. Enable settings

    1) Server settings are by default used, in which case all options below are grey and cannot be edited.

    2) Select Individually set for the template, which applies only to the current template and enables all functions below to be edited and set.


    2. Sheet label page display position

    1) The default value is Bottom.

    2) If you wish to display it on the top, you may check Top.


    3. Report Display Position

    1) The default value is Left.

    2) If you wish to center-align the content of a report, you may check Center.


    4. Set background of the row being edited

    1) It is by default unchecked, in which case the background remains unchanged when editing.

    2) Check it and click H.png  to choose a color, so that the background color of the row being edited changes to highlight the row.



    5. Data entry submission setting

    1) Prompt users when leave without submittingis by default checked, in which case in data entry, if a cell is edited, a dialogue box will pop up asking whether you want to submit the data entry when closing or switching the Web page.

    2)Display Widgets Directly is by default unchecked; if it is checked, widgets can be displayed without clicking any cell in data entry.

    3)Auto Temporary Store is by default unchecked; if it is checked, data entry will be automatically stored temporarily when leaving the page.


    6. Use Toolbar

    1) The use of toolbar is similar to that in pagination preview.

    2) After Use Toolbar is checked, the top toolbar displays, by default, Submit, Data Validation, Print, Export, Email, Insert Record and Show Cell Value.


    7. Event Settings

    1) Event setting is similar to that in pagination preview.

    2) Types of events are slightly different. There 31 types of events in Data Entry Settings. Events unique to Data Entry Settings include.

    Time of being triggeredEvent name

      Before Data Entry

    Triggered after clicking the Submit button


      After Data Entry

     Triggered after submission is completed


      Data Entry Successful

      Triggered after submission succeeds


      Data Entry Failed

     Triggered after submission fails


      After Validation

      Triggered after data validation takes place


      Before Validation Submission

      Triggered after clicking Submit, but before validation


      After Validation Submission

      Triggered after submission is completed, before an After Data Entry event


      Add Before Row

      Triggered after clicking the Add Record button


      Add After Row

      Triggered after a record is added


      Delete Before Row

      Triggered after clicking the Delete Row/Column button


      Delete After Row

      Triggered after a record is deleted


      Before Importing Excel

     Triggered after selecting an Excel file and clicking OK


      After Importing Excel

      Triggered after an Excel file is imported, no matter whether the import succeeds



    V. Data Analysis Settings

    1. Enable settings

    1) Server settings are by default used, in which case all options below are grey and cannot be edited.

    2) Select Individually set for the template, which applies only to the current template and enables all functions below to be edited and set.


    2. Data Analysis Settings

    1) Sort, Selection Filter and List Filter are by default checked.

    2) In preview, click the arrow at the upper-right corner of a cell to sort or filter data.

    3) Data can be sorted in either ascending or descending order.

    4) In Selection Filter, you can filter data by choosing an operator together with data type and value.

    5) In List Filter, you may choose some data in the current column.



    3. Use Toolbar

    1) The use of toolbar is similar to that in pagination preview.

    2) After “Use Toolbar” is checked, the top toolbar displays, by default, Page Settings, Print Preview, Print, Export and Email.


    4. Event Settings

    Event setting is similar to that in pagination preview. There are 18 types of events in total.


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