FVS Component Overview

  • Last update:November 22, 2024
  • Overview 

    This document applies to users who have installed the FineVis Data Visualization plugin to learn plugin functions.


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    • Merged Text, Media, and Container components into Other components.

    • Merged Radio/Checkbox Dropdown widgets into the Dropdown Box widget.

    • Merged Radion/Checkbox Button Group widgets into the Button Group widget.

    • Removed the Dropdown Box widget and Button Group widget to Widget > List.

    Function Description 

    This section briefly introduces the types and functions of FVS components, helping you have an overall understanding of the components.

    Component Type 

    FVS supports four major types of components, namely, 3D components, charts, other components (including text, media, and container components), and widgets.

    Component Type



    3D component

    FVS 3D City Scene Component

    Used to display three-dimensional cities and three-dimensional models.

    FVS Custom 3D Scene Component

    Used to display custom 3D models.

    FVS Unity Component

    Used for integrating 3D Unity models.


    FVS Picture Component

    Support various types of common analysis charts (such as column charts).

    Support all charts provided by the Extended Chart plugin (such as waterball charts).



    FVS Rich Text Component

    Used to make instructions, dynamic data, display articles, etc.

    FVS Title Component

    Used to create the title of a component or a single line of text description.

    FVS Table Component

    Used to display tables, similar to report blocks in dashboards.

    FVS Time Component

    Used to obtain the local time of the client and automatically refresh it, to display time, date, and week in real time.


    FVS Local Video Component

    Used to display various built-in videos, custom videos, or online videos.

    FVS Surveillance Video Component

    Used to display real-time surveillance video online.

    FVS Picture Component

    Used to display various built-in materials, custom images, or online images.


    FVS iFrame Component

    Used to import web pages and other templates in the project to a FVS template.

    FVS Tab Component

    Used to display various other components (which can be dragged into the Tab component) consecutively according to certain rules, where you can also   switch among them manually.

    FVS Absolute Canvas Component

    Equivalent to a blank canvas. You can drag other components into the absolute canvas and pin some parts on the top for display.


    Input   box

    FVS Text Box Widget

    Link other components through parameters by entering the value in the text box  when you preview a template.


    FVS Date Time Widget

    Link other components through parameters by selecting the date and the time when you preview a template.


    FVS Drop-down Check Box Widget

    Link other components through parameters by selecting an option from the drop-down list when you preview a template. Multiple options can be selected.

    FVS Button Group Widget

    Link other components through parameters by selecting an option/options when you preview a template.


    FVS Dropdown Tree Widget

    Link other components through parameters by selecting the option from the drop-down tree when you preview a template.

    FVS View Tree Widget

    Display data with a multi-level tree structure and link other components through parameters when you preview a template.


    FVS Query Widget

    Link widgets to achieve that a widget query is triggered after the query button is clicked.

    Operations on Components 

    There are many common operations supported by all components, such as copy, paste, group, etc. You can find shortcut keys for component operations in the prompt panel at the bottom left corner, as shown in the following figure.

    Component Style and Attribute

    You can set the component border, name, size, position, etc. under Component > Component Style/Component Attributes on the right of each component, as shown in the following figure. 


    Component Animation 

    You can set the cross-page component animation on the Animation tab on the right of each component, as shown in the following figure. 

    If you set the component animation and do not enable Smooth Transition, the component will display entrance and exit animation effects during page switching.

    Component Interaction

    You can set the component interaction on the Interaction tab on the right of each component. The supported interactive events vary with the component type, as shown in the following figure.

    Attachment List

    Theme: FineVis Data Visualization
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