Stacked Percentage Column Chart - Multiple Indicators

  • Last update:December 28, 2023
  • Overview

    Application Scenario

    Each layer of the column represents the percentage of each category's data to the total data in the group. Each series is stacked according to its percentage, helping you directly view each series' proportion. The following figure shows the comparison and change of the public attitude to corporal punishment of children from 1986 to 2016.


    Basic Requirement

    The following table shows basic requirements of a percentage stacked column chart.

    Chart Effect

    Dimension   Field

    Indicator   Field

    Percentage Stacked Column Chart

    >= 1

    >= 2

    Chart Feature

    Advantage: The chart can clearly display the proportion of different indicators in each dimension to help you compare the data volumes of different dimensions.

    Disadvantage: If too many indicators are stacked, you may struggle to distinguish and compare the data, and compare the same dimension's data in different categories.


    Component Creation

    Data Preparation

    1. Log in to the system as the admin, click My Analysis, click a folder, and click New Subject.


    2. Click Local Excel and click Upload Data.

    Download the sample data: Vote.xlsx.

    3. After the upload, select Text for the Year field and click OK.


    Component Creation

    1. Click Add Component in the lower left corner.


    2. Set functions for the indicator fields Unknown, Disapproval, Strong Disapproval, Strong Approval, and Approval to calculate the percentage of different attitudes to the total indicator for the current year, as shown in the following figure. 

    For example, the function for calculating the percentage of Unknown in the current dimension is as follows.

    SUM_AGG(${Unknown})/(SUM_AGG(${Unknown})+SUM_AGG(${Disapproval})+SUM_AGG(${Approval})+SUM_AGG(${Strong Approval})+SUM_AGG(${Strong Disapproval}))


    3. Click the Stacked Column Chart icon in Chart Type, as shown in the following figure. Then all indicators on the vertical axis are stacked in the chart. Select Value Format from the drop-down list of Unknown (Percentage) and select Percentage.


    The Stacked Column Chart icon can be selected only when at least one dimension field and at least two indicator fields exist in the horizontal and vertical axis respectively, otherwise the icon in Chart Type is grayed out and cannot be clicked.

    4. Set the value axis range.

    Click the drop-down icon of any indicator, select Set Value Axis (Left-value Axis), set Display Range to Custom, click the icon behind Maximum, enter 1 in the pop-up formula box, and click OK.


    Graphic Property Setting

    Setting the Color

    Drag indicator Name into Color and click Color. Then you can set the display color of indicators.


    Setting the Label

    The method in this section is suitable for scenarios that do not require particularly high numerical accuracy.

    1. Drag the Unknown (Percentage) field into Label of Unknown (Percentage).


    2. Set Value Format of Unknown (Percentage) to Percentage.


    3. Similarly, drag the fields Disapproval, Strong Disapproval, Strong Approval, and Approval respectively into the corresponding Label column and set Value Format.

    4. Click Label in All and set Display Location to Center.


    Effect Display

    Select the corresponding dashboard and click Preview. The following figure shows the effect.




    主题: Creating a Visual Component
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